Cinematic Production, • 7/28/16 Harbingers - Khadgar "No single person can stand against the Legion alone." Previous Harbingers - Illidan Next Harbingers - Gul'dan You Might Also Like Harbingers - Illidan Here’s the Plan! | Hearthstone The Dalaran Heist Cinematic World of Warcraft: Legion Cinematic Trailer Cinematic: “Old Soldier” Overwatch Animated Short | “Dragons”
Cinematic Production, • 7/28/16 Harbingers - Khadgar "No single person can stand against the Legion alone." Previous Harbingers - Illidan Next Harbingers - Gul'dan You Might Also Like Harbingers - Illidan Here’s the Plan! | Hearthstone The Dalaran Heist Cinematic World of Warcraft: Legion Cinematic Trailer Cinematic: “Old Soldier” Overwatch Animated Short | “Dragons”